I remember the feeling when I was a child. My parents wanted to help with my homework, but I didn’t really want the help. I would get frustrated, annoyed but why?

Now I’m getting to experience the same thing my parents did.

Yesterday I was trying to help my 8 year old daughter prepare for a test when all of a sudden I started feeling the attitude. The annoyance. I kept calm and kept trying to help, but then came the comment from my daughter “I can do this on my own.” I had flashbacks of being young and doing the same thing to my parents.

Why do children rebel and get annoyed with parents when they’re trying to help them with their homework?  Is it genetically encoded in us that we don’t want help from our parents? Provide food, clothing, shelter.. and toys, but don’t think about trying to help them study for a test.

My tips for combating this:

  1. Stay calm. Remember you too were once young and did this same thing to your parents.
  2. Keep helping. Again, stay calm. As much as they think they know it all, they don’t. Keep helping and remember it’s for their benefit.
  3. Try helping in a different way. Instead of asking them questions, turn it around and have them ask you questions. It will still make them think about what they’re studying, but doesn’t put them on the spot.
  4. Switch parents. If the dad is helping, maybe the child is frustrated with dad for some reason. Have mom come in for a little while.
  5. Punish them and send the to their room.  Just kidding. My #5 tip would be the same as #1. Stay calm and keep helping.

What are your suggestions, tips and opinions? Share them below.
